
You can access current information, reports and announcements about İş GYO's investor relations processes on this page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fundamental legal regulation relating to REICS?

REICs are subject to the “Principles Pertaining to Real Estate Investment Trusts” of the Capital Markets Board No.III-48.1

At what ratio must REICs be publicly held?

At least 25% of REICs must be publicly held.

What is the minimum real estate sector investment ratio for REICS?

REICs must invest at least 51% of their total asset value, in real estate, real estate backed rights, real estate projects and other assets specified in the related Communiqué.

Can REICs invest in cash and capital market instruments?

REICs can invest in cash and capital market instruments. However, their total investment in cash and capital market instruments cannot exceed 49% of their total asset value.

Can REICs invest in real estate or companies established abroad?

REICs can invest in foreign capital instruments, real estate and companies established abroad, which exclusively operate in the field of real estate, at a maximum ratio of 49% of its assets.

Is there a limit for plot investments by REICs?

The ratio of plots and land in the portfolios of REICs, which are not used in any way for development of any projects, despite the fact that it has been more than five years since they have been purchased, to the total assets of the REITs cannot exceed 20%.

Are REICs themselves allowed to engage in construction work of their projects?

REICs are not allowed to engage in construction work of real estate, or hire personnel or acquire equipment for this purpose. The staff employed for the control of the projects are excluded.Construction work of the projects are carried out by the subcontractors.

What is the borrowing limit for REICs?

REICs may obtain loans up to five times their non-consolidated equity stated in their year-end financial statements.

Is there a rule regarding diversification of the portfolios of REICs?

There is no obligation to diversify their portfolios on sector, region and real estate basis.

Are REICs obliged to distribute their profit?

Currently there is no such obligation in valid. According to Communiqué on Principles Regarding Real Estate Investment Companies, CMB may place an obligation for REICs regarding distribution of cash dividends.

What is the corporation tax rate applicable on earnings of REICs?

Earnings acquired by REICs as a result of their activities are exempt from corporation tax and are subject to 0% income tax withholding. Within this scope, they do not pay corporation tax over their portfolio earnings.

Which values are used by REICs when they are purchasing, selling or leasing real estate?

Purchases to be included in the portfolio and sales and leasing transactions from the portfolio carried out by REICs are realized by taking into consideration the appraisal values determined by real estate appraisal companies.

Can REICs transact at values which are under the appraisal value when selling or leasing real estate?

Although in principle REICs should take into account the appraisal value of the expert when selling or leasing real estate, they may also transact over values that are lower than 95% of the appraisal value in sales and leasing transactions. However, if the sales or leasing transactions are carried out over values lower than 95% of appraised values, such transactions must be publicly announced as material event disclosures and included in the agenda of the first general assembly meeting to inform the shareholders.

When was İş REIC established?

İş REIC was established on 6 August 1999.

When was İş REIC's initial public offering held?

İş REIC’s initial public offering was held on 1-3 December 1999.

In which market and stock exchange is İş REIC traded in?

Shares of İş REIC are transacted in Borsa İstanbul A.Ş. BIST Star Market with “ISGYO” ISIN code, debt instruments of İş REIC are transacted in BIST Outright Purchases and Sales Market.

In which stock exchange indexes is İş REIC traded?


What type of investments does İş REIC’s portfolio comprise?

The portfolio of İş REIC comprises real estate investments, as well as investments in money and capital markets instruments. Real estate investments of İş REIC comprise real estate projects, lands and rent generating commercial assets such as office buildings andretail assets.

Who is the majority shareholder of İş REIC?

The majority shareholder of İş REIC is Türkiye İş Bankası A.Ş.
(The articles regarding majority shareholder have been removed from the new REIT Communique)

What is the capital size of İş REIC?

İş REIC has a capital size of TL 958.750.000

How many shares is the capital of İş REIC divided into?Do the shares enjoy any privileges?

Company's issued capital consists of 958,750,000 shares with a par value of TL 1 per share, all of which are registered to name. TL 1,369,642.817 of the capital is comprised of Group A shares and remaining TL 957,380,357.183 is comprised of Group By shares. The Group A shareholders have the privilege to nominate candidates to become members of the Board of Directors. One of the Board of Directors members is elected among the nominees of Group B shareholders and the remaining members are elected from the nominees of Group A shareholders.
Our Company Articles of Association contains no privileges with regard to use of votes. .

How many people does the Board of Directors of İş REIC consist of? What is the number of independent members in the board of directors?

The board of directors of İş REIC consists of 9 people, including 3 independent members

What is the core business of İş REIC?

The core business of İş REIC is to invest in real estate, real asset backed rights and develop real estate projects to acquire real estate income or lease income.

What are the sources of income for İş REIC?

The income resources of İş REIC are lease income from real estate portfolio, real estate sales and from financial assets.

What is the average term of lease contracts concluded with lessees?

The average term of lease contracts may vary depending on the term of lease or type of investment model. There are long-term lease contracts for real estates with turnkey and B.O.T. models.

What constitutes the fiscal year of İş REIC?

The fiscal year of iş REIC is a 12-month calendar year. (January-December)

What is the frequency of disclosing financial results for İş REIC?

İş REIC discloses its financial results at quarterly intervals.

When does the ordinary general assembly of İş REIC convene?

The General Assembly convenes within three months as of the end of the fiscal year, in compliance with the Company articles of association. Extraordinary general assembly meetings may be held whenever an event necessitating a general assembly meeting arises.

What is the dividend policy of İş REIC?

The dividend proposal of the Board of Directors is delibrated during the General Meeting of Shareholders in order to decide whether profits will be distributed, and if so, how and when this will be done. Company’s dividend policy is stated below.
Our articles of association states the principle of distributing primary dividend from distributable income at a rate and amount determined by the Capital Markets Board.

In profit distribution proposals presented to General Assembly, Board of Directors take into account:
• Maintaining the fine balance between the expectations of the shareholders and the Company's needs for growth, • Profitability of the Company,

Accordingly, the Company has adopted a dividend policy to propose to the General Assembly that at least 30% of the distributable profit to be distributed as stock or cash.
There are no privileges concerning participation in the Company's profit, and dividend distribution is carried out within the legally-prescribed period of time.
In case, the Board of Directors proposes not to distribute profits, the reasons of the proposal and the information about how the undistributed profits will be allocated should be submitted to shareholders in the General Meeting of Shareholders, explained in the Annual Report and disclosed to the public.
The subject of advance dividend payment has been included in the Company’s Articles of Association, and advance dividend payment can be made to the shareholders within the framework of the capital market regulations on the subject.

Which independent audit company audits İş REIC?

The independent audit company of İş REIC is PwC Bağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş. (A Member Firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers).

From which real estate appraisal companies does İş REIC purchase services from?

REICs must work with real estate appraisal companies authorized by CMB for assets that are already in the portfolio of the Company or may be included in the portfolio within the year, requiring appraisal. Within this scope, service for the valuation of each asset in ISREIC’s portfolio as of 31.01.2022 will be obtained from the CMB authorized appraisal companies named Reel Gayrimenkul Değerleme A.Ş., Harmoni Gayrimenkul Değerleme ve Danışmanlık A.Ş., Net Kurumsal Gayrimenkul Değerleme ve Danışmanlık A.Ş., Vera Gayrimenkul Değerleme ve Danışmanlık A.Ş.. Service for the valuation of the assets that will be purchased and require valuation during the year 2023, will be obtained from the appraisal companies named Reel Gayrimenkul Değerleme A.Ş. or Harmoni Gayrimenkul Değerleme ve Danışmanlık A.Ş.

Who should İş REIC investors contact for further queries?

You may contact Investor Relations and Sustainability Department for further queries.

Telephone: +90 212 325 23 50
Fax :+90 212 325 23 80

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