
İş REIC.was established through the transformation of İş REIC into a real estate investment trust, following its acquisition of Central Real Estate Investment and Project Evaluation Inc. on August 6, 1999.

Message From the CEO

Distinguished Stakeholders,

We sustained our growth despite the existing conjuncture.

2023 was marked by geopolitical risks besides global economic turbulences. While this predicament braked global growth, it caused surged funding costs and increased unemployment on a global scale. Led by the central banks of developed countries, numerous central banks transitioned to the tight monetary policy for combating high inflation that has been influential worldwide.

The existing situation harnessed growth of individual sectors as well. Although such challenging periods bear negative impacts on the real estate sector, investing in real estate and homebuying, in particular, has always been the foundation stone of a secure future and an important investment instrument for people living in Turkey. As İş REIC, we continued to develop projects that will create value based on our sustainable growth and profitability principle in 2023. Our residential projects made our main focus.

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